Welcome to Adult Engrish.com!
What is Adult Engrish you may ask? Well, to put it simply, its a loose interpretation of the English language... Hey we dont mean to take the piss, we realise we couldn't write their native language to save our lives, but what they manage to come up with often turns out fucking bizarre and damn humourous!
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Everyday Adult Engrish
So whats in this site?

The above image is a prime example of Adult Engrish in everyday life.. but this site has gone one step further..

This site is mainly a collection of Japanese pornographic magazine covers. They have not been altered or edited in any way by us. This is how they were really published.

Take the image on the right for example, it's obviously meant to say "Fresh Elegance", but even that alone seems a bit strange.

The magazines range from the 80's to the present day. Over time the Engrish has gotten better, the women have gotten hotter and the titles have become downright stupid.

We have spent a long time collecting these images, we hope you enjoy them!

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The future of fucking...
Check out this shit!

High powered machinery fucking the shit out of hot sluts! You won't believe this shit!


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Links to other Engrish sites and other fun things.